Friday, October 12, 2007

Newseum: Too New

A few years ago I went to the National Archives building here in Washington, DC. Before entering the vault o see the Deceleration of Independence and all those important documents we had to watch a short play involving two way mirrors to give the idea ghosts were around telling stories about our nations history. While it a relatively interesting story, I couldn't tell you want it was about today. But, I do remember that I was ready to move on as soon as they ushered us into the small theater.
Unless I plan on going to an Imax, watching a video/play in a museum is the last thing I want to do. I like to browse in museums, go at my own pace and kind of mull things over in my own world. Big dramatic set-ups tend to throw me off, and they usually tend to be even a little tacky.
That's why I really appreciated Blake Gopnik's article "Art Museum Expansion: A Conservative Trend?" There is nothing more annoying then clogs of people surrounding pieces. These days it is impossible to the Mona Lisa- she's surrounded by loud, disruptive tourists all clamoring to get a snapshot of her. Viewing art shouldn't be a race- it's supposed to be in a tranquil setting, with lot's of room to stand back and view.
In some ways I understand the museums' expansions, but more so for the amazing architecture's sake. Modern architecture is only getting more out there, but it tends to take away from the art (Which was sometimes the argument on buildings such as Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum in Spain).
When it comes to museums, I most relate to those who hang on to their eight track tapes, their records and their type writers. While the Newseum's website will be interesting and helpful when doing research (not unlike it's just not the same as viewing the real thing in person.
I mean, I've seen countless photos of the Mona Lisa, but can I really say that I've seen the Mona Lisa in her entirety?
Not until I get to Paris.

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