Friday, September 7, 2007

Yarn Exersize

As soon as we got over the initial "what the hell are we doing" feeling it was a lot of fun... I decided to avoid making knots and causing problems, and just made a man on the ground with my PINK (my favorite color!) continuing line... But it kept getting destroyed because people kept stepping on it. But I guess that's to be expected with installations. And the design kept changing. It was cool because I like to do drawings like that where I never pick my pen off the paper so the image is a bunch of knots all thrown together.
It's kind of like being in a big pink and white spiderweb. The knots are like bugs that have been caught and are ready for eatin'.
The whole thing kept growing and getting more and more intricate... If we would've kept going we probably wouldn't have been able to move around the room. I feel like people just let the string take them wherever and it turned out to be pretty random and all over the place.
If you look at just the positive space it's like if you were to connect the stars in constellations. It'd be kind of interesting to pick a piece of the web and have everyone say what the positive space looked like to them, such as a rectangle, or something more complicated liiike The Big Dipper or a spider web or Cat's Cradle or something.

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